

‘Nutty Robots’ is on their way to the International Robotics Competition

and last updated

Deb and Curtis Nielson stopped by the show today along with some very smart kids who are on their way to an international robotics competition. This group currently holds the title of Utah State Mid-level Robotics Champion. The robot's name is M.A.R.S, which stands for Marvelous Autonomous Robotic Superstar.

Background on the game:

  • Each round lasts only one minute.
  • One student can drive for a maximum of 35 seconds, so two students have to drive during the match.
  • Each ball that is deposited in the scoring zone (behind the fence) is worth one point.
  • Each ball shot into the high goal is worth three points.
  • Each ball  knocked off of the ramp is worth one point.
  • One robot on the ramp at the end of the match is worth 10 points, two robots on the ramp at the end of the math is worth 25 points.
  • The students are judged in five categories:The Teamwork Challenge, Robot Skills Challenge, Autonomous Challenge, STEM Project, Robot Design.

The team is  currently $1,000 short of their goal to make it to the International Robotics Competition. To donate, visit any Mountain America Credit Union and deposit a donation to the 'Nutty Robots.'