The Place


Recipe: Gourmet Lollipops

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Priscilla Briggs, from Designer Lollipops, shared her recipe for easy, at-home candy. You can add in sprinkles or edible glitter to customize your pops.

Cookie Cutter Hard Candy Lollipops by Designer Lollipop

1 1/2 c Corn Syrup
1 1/2 c White Sugar
1 1/2 c water
1 Candy Thermometer.
Crushed candy pieces or edible glitter.
Plastic cake-pop sticks
Favorite Cookie Cutters
1 Cookie sheet
1 embossing gun

Makes 12-16 lollipops

Stir ingredients together until mixed and turn your burner to high. Do not stir once the heat is on. Bring to boil all the ingredients in your pan, add your thermometer and cook to 300 degrees. Pull pan off your stove once correct temperature is reached and add candy flavoring, coloring and glitter. Stir 3-4 times slowly. Grease your cookie sheet and cookie cutter. Place the cookie cutter on the pan and slowly pour the hot candy into the mold. The thicker you pour it, the longer it will take to cool. Sprinkle a layer of more glitter and candy and then pour a light layer of candy syrup on top. Once it is cooled take the hard candy out of the mold and flip it upside down on your greased pan. Take your heat gun and heat a small portion on the back of your candy the width and length of your stick. Press stick slightly and and allow to cool. At this point you can wrap plastic around the top with tape and add a nice bow.

For more information on what Priscilla does go to: www.designerlolli.comor call Zach for corporate orders (720) 495-3535