The Place


Three easy and inexpensive DIY projects

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Steffany and Melanie Hamilton, bloggers on Find it Make it Love it always have the best DIY crafts to spruce up your home. Today they brought three easy crafts that are inexpensive and easy to make.

1- Floral Monogram. Perfect for a door or wall. All you need is a paper mache letter, some bright flowers, hot glue, ribbon and styrofoam. Cut a paper mache letter from your local craft store in half gluing styrofoam inside to easily add flowers making the perfect bright and springy craft for your home. This is a craft that can be made for under $20.00.

2- Painted terra cotta pots. Using just paint and a few simple tricks, you can completely transform basic terra cotta pots into something unique. Purchase your own terra cotta pots at your local home store and create some cute stripes using a rubber band and paint. You can also simply use a sharpie marker to freehand the design you've always wanted.

3- DIY Fairy or Gnome gardens.  These fun, miniature sized gardens are great for kids.  You can let your kids be creative with what they add to their very own garden.

To take a look at some of their favorite DIY projects, you can find their blog here.