

Utah sheep ranchers invent new product out of leftover wool

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CROYDON, Utah - Two brothers from Croydon may have just invented a product that could keep sheep farmers employed for years to come.

"It's a game changer. It could save the sheep industry here in Utah," said sheep farmer Logan Wilde.

Wilde and his brother Albert are sixth-generation sheep ranchers in the town northeast of Salt Lake City.

In the past few months, Logan Wilde said his brother approached him with an idea to make some money on the side.

"I was like, 'Oh man, here we go again,'" Logan Wilde said with a laugh.

Now, that idea is grabbing some attention from people across the country.

"They're like ‘wow,’" Albert Wilde said of his invention. "Who would have thought you could take waste wool and do something with it?"

The Wilde brothers say only 75 percent of a sheep's wool is good enough to be used for clothing, the other 25 percent usually gets thrown away. But Albert Wilde thought of a way to take that trash and turn a profit.

"This is something no one has ever heard of before," Albert Wilde said. "We take that wool, and we make it into small pellets and then use that in gardening to put into plants."

Albert Wilde explains that the wool can hold 10 times its weight in water, which is helpful for plants for nourishment.

The brothers say the product has only been available for a month, but already they've sold over 500 units and have had inquiries from all over the world.