

FOX 13’s Max Roth breaks down leaked LDS Church videos


SALT LAKE CITY -- FOX 13 News' Max Roth spent Monday sifting through a series of leaked videos posted anonymously on YouTube that showed high-ranking LDS Church officials discussing various social issues.

The list compiled below marks newsworthy, funny and interesting moments found in the different videos. Where to find those moments are included.


Gerrit Gong was the king of all briefers apparently, because he briefed the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles on medical marijuana, piracy, the age of marriage, the housing crisis, 401(k)’s and WikiLeaks.

At about 3:40 into the video, the conversation turns to homosexuality and you get a sense of the apostles' thoughts on the relation between sexual preference and security.

The 2008 Election

David Magleby, a professor from Brigham Young University, breaks down the 2008 election. So if you’re as strange as me and that sounds interesting, you can watch it all!

The Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and Magleby discuss the following:

Race and homosexuality: 31:00

Gay and lesbian influence: 42:30

How LDS Church is viewed: 43:36

Entertainment industry and gay influence: 47:33

Former Gov. Mike Leavitt on religious freedom and same-sex marriage

Strategy for ballot initiatives: 4:18

Elder Boyd K. Packer, member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, on standing firm: 36:42

Elder David Bednar, member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, on using members to influence opinion: 53:45

Young Single Adults

Nothing hot button here.

Sen. Gordon Smith

This is full of interesting stuff.

Problem of secularism and socialism in Washington: 26:14

Iran’s nuclear program where he says the information might be classified: 26:58

Joking that Democrats are miscreants: 34:20

Thomas Jefferson would be a Republican, Abe Lincoln would be a Democrat: 35:00

LDS church rep calls to ask a favor: 44:48

Medical marijuana

Comparing tobacco to marijuana: 6:20

Housewives can cook meth on their stove: 7:40

Single people

Hanging out and hooking up: 3:30


Captain Jack Sparrow: 4:00