Mike Slater, DWR Regional Sportfish Coordinator and Scott Root, DWR regional Conservation Outreach Mgr tell us how to filet a fish, plus an easy two ingredient recipe to fry them.
Fish Fry Recipe:
Simply mix pancake batter with one can of lemon lime soda, coat each piece of fish in the batter and fry in a frying pan. Serve with fry sauce.
Right now is a great time to go fishing:
-DWR stocked approximately 70,000 10-12 inch rainbow trout at Deer Creek Reservoir State Park last week.
-Jordanelle Reservoir State Park will be stocked with tens of thousands of trout very soon.
-Fish is good for you!
-DWR's website is a great source of information for for all things fishing-related (stocking report, community fish ponds in the state, buy a fishing license online, regional fishing reports, etc.). You can find ithere.