Kelsey Wells, better known to many as the woman behind the Instagram account "My Sweat Life". Kelsey has completed an astonishing 101 weeks of the Bikini Body Guide workout program. It was started by Australian trainer Kayla Itsines and has become a worldwide fitness phenomenon. Wells has gained a very loyal following of more than half a million fans. She is known for saying screw the scale - meaning ignore the number and focus on wellness. Kelsey started her journey at 145 pounds, midway through weighed in at 122 pounds and now feels her healthiest and strongest at 140 pounds. She loves being able to inspire other women to love their body, no matter how much they weigh. She is an ambassador for the BBG program and has spent time with found Kayla Itsines. She is holding a FREE meetup at XCEL Fitness this Saturday, December 3rd at noon. Everyone is invited, but you do need to RSVP here.

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