

Here’s what Mitt Romney said after his dinner with Donald Trump

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WASHINGTON — After a posh dinner with Donald Trump at Jean Georges, a three-Michelin star New York City restaurant inside Trump International Hotel, potential Secretary of State nominee Mitt Romney spoke briefly with reporters.

“I had a wonderful evening with President-elect Trump. We had another discussion about affairs throughout the world and these discussions I’ve had with him have been enlightening and interesting and engaging. I’ve enjoyed them very, very much. I was also very impressed by the remarks he made on his victory night.

By the way, it’s not easy winning. I know that myself. He did something I tried to do and was unsuccessful in accomplishing. He won the General Election, and he continues with a message of inclusion and bringing people together. And his vision is something which obviously connected with the American people in a very powerful way.

The last few weeks, he’s been carrying out a transition effort, and I have to tell you I’ve been impressed by what I’ve seen in the transition effort. The people he’s selected as members of his cabinet are solid, effective, capable people. Some of them I know very well.

Nikki Haley and I go way back. She’s an outspoken, strong, powerful leader. Tom Price is someone who actually came to my office before he’d run for Senate and we spent time talking about health care – what an expert and solid thinker in that arena and others. Jeff Sessions was someone who I knew through my campaigns, helped me very early on. He has a distinguished record in the Senate. And, of course, many others. Betsy DeVos and a long list of people. Very impressive individuals.

I happen to think that America’s best days are ahead of us. I think you’re gonna see America continuing to lead the world in this century. And what I’ve seen through these discussions I’ve had with President-elect Trump, as well as what we’ve seen in his speech on the night of his victory, as well as the people he’s selected as part of his transition – all of those things combined give me increasing hope that President-elect Trump is the very man who can lead us to that better future. Thank you.”

Romney did not answer reporters’ questions about a potential nomination to be Secretary of State.