

Trump, Romney meet for second time after election

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NEW YORK CITY — For the second time since the election, Mitt Romney and President Elect Donald Trump have met. The latest meeting took place over dinner in New York City Tuesday night.

The speculation is that Romney is on the short list to be Secretary of State in the Trump Administration.

However, Kirk Jowers, a top adviser to Mitt Romney during both of his presidential campaigns said what comes out of the dinner is anyone’s guess.

"Normally if you're on to the second meeting and they already met once and it's a dinner in this sort of high profile thing it would be to offer him the position, but Trump is very unpredictable, he does everything for the show, so it may not be anything,” said Jowers.

The possibility of Trump naming Romney as Secretary of State is head-scratching to some, considering what Romney said about the billionaire real estate mogul back in March.

"Donald Trump is a phony, is a fraud, his promises are as worthless as a degree from Trump University," said Romney during a speech at the University of Utah.

"It's kind of amazing they are meeting. On the other hand, there is no better way for Trump to show he is putting the nation's interests above his own,” said Jowers.

Some of Trump’s closest advisers, like Kellyann Conway, have spoken out against Romney for the top cabinet position.

"To me that's why Trump should do it even more to show them that he's in control, he's the president, he will make the choices that are best for the country,” said Jowers.

What if Romney does become Secretary of State? How could this reshape the cabinet, the country and even the world?

"A statesman like Mitt in the position would really quell a lot of the fears that Trump has ignited in some of these countries as they figure out how to deal with this new administration," said Jowers.

Here's what Romney said after his dinner with Donald Trump.