SALT LAKE CITY -- The rivalry between Mitt Romney and Jon Huntsman Jr. has been reloaded thanks to President-elect Donald Trump who is reportedly considering both men for the position of Secretary of State.
“The two favorite Utah sons always fighting it out,” said former Director of the Hinckley Institute of Politics, Kurt Jowers.
As Jowers implies, the rivalry between Romney and Huntsman is nothing new. They competed to lead the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City and in 2011 they competed for the GOP presidential nomination, but both times, those jobs went to Romney.
"I think Romney and Huntsman are probably the two best statesmen you can even think about,” Jowers said.
With his international experience as ambassador in China and Singapore, Jowers thinks Huntsman is an ideal candidate for Secretary of State.
"It was very interesting when Romney became a frontline person along with Giuliani and I heard nothing about Huntsman. So this kind of puts the world back on its right axis with Huntsman in the mix,” Jowers said.
However, Jowers thinks the controversy surrounding the Trump phone call with the newly elected president in Taiwan may have contributed to Huntsman being part of the mix.
“I have to imagine because of the timing that this Taiwan kind of fiasco maybe brought his name up that list a little faster,” Jowers said.
However, Huntsman himself, seems to have downplayed that situation.
“Having lived in Taiwan twice and having lived in China once, there`s a little too much hyperventilating about this one,” said Huntsman on Fox and Friends.
Jowers does think there’s a pretty good chance that one of Utah’s favorite politicians will take the coveted spot of Secretary of State.
"If I can play the table with Utah guys, with both Romney and Huntsman, I'll take 60 percent Utah gets it,” Jowers said.
Beyond Huntsman and Romney, the list of potential Secretary of State nominees includes former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani, retired general David Petraeus, and Exxon Mobil CEO Rex Tillerson, just to name a few.
The Trump team says most cabinet positions will be announced this week.