

Woods Cross police warn residents to be alert for signs of package thieves


WOODS CROSS, Utah -- The fight to stop crooks from stealing Christmas packages from your front porch is going from your doorstep to the road.

Woods Cross police tweeted out Thursday morning: “If you see a car following a delivery truck, they could be stealing packages!”

Officer Jen Hicks elaborated on that tweet Thursday.

“In this video it’s pretty clear that, that’s their plan," she said. "Once they locate a UPS truck it’s not hard to just keep your distance, follow behind and pay attention to where they are going."

Hicks is referring to video a Woods Cross resident captured on his private surveillance system. On it, a UPS truck is seen passing through a neighborhood. Also, a man is caught on camera running up to three different houses and grabbing packages.

The man who captured the surveillance video asked to remain anonymous, but he is one of the victims.

“There were a total of 16 items in three different boxes,” he said, referring to what was stolen off his porch.

UPS is aware that their trucks and drivers are sometimes targeted, especially during the holiday season. In a statement a spokeswoman wrote:

“Our drivers receive extensive security awareness and vehicle security training… We do not disclose this information because we do not want any of our training, methods or procedures to inadvertently aid potential criminal activity.”

Due to the surveillance video and tips from the public, the suspect in the recent thefts in Woods Cross has been identified, but he hasn’t been caught. If you know where he is, you can contact Woods Cross police at 801-298-6000.