

Stormtroopers teach Matt and Tamara to ‘Dance the Wookie’


SALT LAKE CITY -- A Star Wars themed public safety campaign aims to "End Text Wrecks", and they are using a unique dance to spread the word.

Many Utahns have taken the challenge to "Dance the Wookie" as a way to pledge they won't text and drive, and Thursday the group came to the Fox 13 News Studios to discuss the campaign and show off some out of this world moves.

See the video above for that appearance, or check out the video below if you just want to see Matt and Tamara dance.

The End Text Wrecks campaign put togethera promo video featuring dancing Star Wars characters, and they've also featured videos of Utahns like Attorney General Sean Reyes and the BYU Cougarettes taking the challenge.

Visit to see the other "Dance the Wookie" videos or to upload your own. The site also includes instructions on how to do the routine yourself.