The Place


Do you need a time out? Find out why they are beneficial for adults


Georgia Anderson with tells us why time outs aren't such a bad idea for adults.

We talk about kids being given 'time out' as a discipline method. What is the reasoning behind that, and why does it work? It works best when used to teach or help not punish the child. It also resets body chemistry and keeps spiraling negativity in check. Time away gives the person an opportunity to repair or start over when things are getting heated.

There are 3 steps in giving yourself a time out:

  1. Make an announcement that you need a break
  2. Make a promise of return - 20 minute minimum, 24 hour maximum
  3. Avoid thoughts of victimhood. Do something soothing or distracting.

Time out is an important part of personal and relationship health 're-creation' in small, every day moments.

For more great ideas from Georgia, go here.