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Is it too late for me to plant tomatoes?

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Kevin Maryott from McCoard's Garden Center shared some tips for planting tomatoes in July. On average tomatoes take 75 to 90 days to bear fruit. This means if you are planting in July you need to start with mature plants.

What to do...
Visit your local nursery and start with mature plants in gallon containers.
Plant in the evening using correct planting techniques for plant starts.
Water every day the first week to get things going then cut back to once/twice a week...but keep an eye on wilting plants.
Fertilize with high phosphate fertilizer (the middle number (9-58-9)) to promote root growth and blooms.

More blooms = More tomatoes.

Tomatoes that Grow in Utah: Zone 4 & Zone 5
Black Prince (Heirloom)
Brandywine Pink (Heirloom)
Cherokee Purple (Heirloom)
Mr. Stripey (Heirloom)
Better Boy Hybrid
Burpee Big Boy Hybrid
Celebrity Hybrid
Chef's Choice Orange
Chocolate Cherry (Cherry)
DX-52-12 (Developed at Utah State University)
Early Girl Hybrid
Giant Belgian (Heirloom)
Green Zebra (Heirloom)
Jet Star Hybrid
Juliet Hybrid
La Roma III
Lemon Boy
Lemon Pear
Mortgage Lifter (Heirloom)
Moscow (Heirloom)
Mountain Merit
Park's Whopper
Pineapple (Heirloom)
Red Grape Hybrid
Sub Artic
Sugary Hybrid
Sun Gold
Sun Sugar (Cherry)
Super Fantastic
Supersweet 100 (Cherry)
Tye Dye
Viva Italia Roma
Yellow Pear

My Favorites
Celebrity/Beefsteak: Great for Canning
Whopper/Mortgage Lifter: Great for Sandwiches
Viva Italia: Great for Salsa and Sauces
Sun Sugar/Sweet 100: Cherries for Salad
Black Prince/Cherokee Purple: High in Antioxidants
Yellow Pear: Low Acidity