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Tips for recovering after a race from a top marathon runner

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Fitness expert Mimi Sinclair shared her top tips for recovering after running a race.

  1. Ice bath-it hurts so good!  Yes, the sooner you can get your legs cooled down the better. 15-20 minutes from the waist down is ideal. Have a warm cup of tea or coffee by the tub.
  2. Hydrate- anything that sounds good. Chocolate milk, soda, electrolytes. Studies have found that chocolate milk is a great recovery drink post workout due to the ratio of carbs vs. protein. The carbonation in soda can help to settle your stomach if you've had to take in a lot of gels in a marathon.
  3. Massage or stretch. Take advantage of the post race massage. Another great option is the Massage Therapy School.
  4. Eat. 4 to 1 ratio of carbs vs. protein. Also, don't be afraid of a little salt.
  5. Compression Pump therapy.  Latest technology to athletes. Increases circulation to flush out lactic acid and aid in recovery.
  6. Sleep. If your body has had a hard effort a good nights sleep can aid in recovery tremendously.
  7. Move the next day!  A good cross train movement can really help in recovery. Yoga, spinning, a light walk. The movement helps with circulation and will help with recovery.