

With Molina leaving, Utah’s biggest insurer commits to the ACA marketplace

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\SALT LAKE CITY -- About 70,000 Utahns will have to choose a new health exchange policy during a November open enrollment period because Molina Healthcare is leaving the Affordable Care Act Marketplace, commonly called the exchange.

But Utah's largest provider, SelectHealth, tells Fox 13 they are committed to staying in the exchange.

Jason Stevenson with the Utah Health Policy Project says losing Molina is a problem, but not a crisis.

"It's a big inconvenience," said Stevenson, speaking of the Molina clients in particular.

Molina announced on Wednesday, August 2, they are leaving the Utah exchange in part because of "...uncertainty around cost-sharing payments and the volatility around the individual market over which we have no control."

That volatility is coming from the White House and ongoing threats to stop subsidy payments meant to offset the costs of insuring low-income families.

"Unfortunately health care has become a political game, and there's a lot of people trying to create uncertainty in the market just to score political points," Stevenson said.

Select Health, the insurance arm of Intermountain Health Care, told Fox 13 they are committed to staying in the market, though they are concerned about the messages they're getting from Washington.

"We will also continue to work with all stakeholders to encourage Congress to fund the Cost Sharing Reduction subsidies that support low-income individuals and families and urge Congress to also take additional steps to assure stability and sustainability of the individual market," said SelectHealth Media Relations Manager Jamee Wright.