Women`s Business Center, a nonprofit, helps Utah women grow and start businesses through in-person and online services and training. In order to help women of the Wasatch Front, the WBC has launched Virtual Centers hosted by Chambers of Commerce:
What is a Virtual Center?
• A web page accessible on each Chamber`s website.
• Where women can find free local and online business training and support.
Where are they located?
• 9 active virtual centers, so far, hosted by the following Chambers of Commerce:
1. Box Elder County
2. Cache
3. Carbon County
4. Emery County
5. Heber Valley
6. Moab
7. San Juan County
8. St. George Area
9. Vernal Area
• Launching ten more by Spring 2018.
How do I find my Virtual WBC?
• Search your local chamber website for 'Virtual Women`s Business Center'.
• Visit WBCUtah.com for a list of Virtual locations.
Utah`s Governor`s Office of Economic Development has provided a scholarship for any rural woman to take an elevated $300 online course, Build Your Dream Company, for FREE. Find the promo code for this scholarship through any Virtual WBC.