

Park City student posts alleged gun threat; police say no immediate danger


PARK CITY, Utah – Park City Police said officers found no immediate danger after a Park City School District student posted an alleged threat involving what appeared to be a gun on SnapChat.

Police said the district learned of the social media post at about 9:30 p.m. Tuesday.

According to officers, it showed a student “putting a gun-like weapon into a backpack and making a statement, ‘all will be better tomorrow.'”

Authorities went to that student’s home where the student showed police the alleged weapon in the post, it was an air-soft gun.

Park City officers determined there was no immediate threat to the Park City School District.

However, officers said that student will remain home while police and the school district complete their investigation.

The Park City Police Department released the information in a Facebook post:

Last night at approximately 9:20 PM, Park City School District Administration was made aware of a social media post via SnapChat of a student putting a gun-like weapon into a backpack and making a statement “all will be better tomorrow”.
As with any threat of violence, Park City School District takes each situation seriously. Park City Police was notified immediately and dispatched to the student’s home, where an interview for intent and search for the weapon was conducted. The student complied immediately showing gun-like weapon in the picture, which was an airsoft gun, and disclosing the information of the recipients of the SnapChat post.
While there is no immediate threat, the student will remain home with parent(s)/ guardian(s) and the Park City Police Department and Park City School District will do a full investigation. We are grateful to law enforcement officials in both Summit County Sheriff’s Office and Park City Police for the rapid response to this incident. Additionally, we are appreciative of the students who took this serious, reported to parents, who then contacted school officials. Our students’ safety is our number one priority.
Each school safety issue is taken on a case-by-case basis. With each concern, we immediately inform law enforcement and follow a process to assess the risk and/or threat. and follow all federal and state statute in regards to the Safe Schools Act. With this situation, we immediately assessed risk with our safety team, which included law enforcement, counselors, and administration, who worked hand in hand with the school district and had determined that there was no danger to students.