The Place


Pedestrian Safety Month: Teaching your kids how to cross the street


September is National Pedestrian Safety Month, also known as Green Ribbon Month.   Dawn Ramsey from the Jordan School District PTA speaks on the purpose of Green Ribbon month and  shares tips on how to teach your children to cross the street safely.

Here are some safety tips she shared:

What can we do at home?

Discuss and practice basic safety rules, including:

-Walking on sidewalks

-Looking both ways while crossing the street & always use a cross walk

-Walk - don`t run- across the street

-Wear reflective gear at night

-Walk with a buddy

-Always wear a helmet when riding a bike

-Walk your bike when crossing the street

-Wear seatbelts while riding in cars

-Identifying 'safe adults' when they need help (teachers, police officers, mothers with children, employees in uniform)

Tips for parents:

-Never driving distracted, including keeping cell phones put away

-Drive 5 mph slower than the posted speed limit in school zones and residential areas

- Stop for pedestrians at crosswalks and intersections

- Practice pedestrian safety with our children

- Never leave children alone in the car

-Always wear seatbelts and properly buckle children