

Snowbird spotlights one-star rating in latest ad campaign


SNOWBIRD – Snowbird Ski Resort is turning a negative review into a positive by featuring the bad buzz in a new ad campaign.

For as many good reviews the resort receives, Director of Marketing Dave Amirault says there are plenty of bad ones.

“We've taken reviews from Trip Advisor, Facebook, comment cards that guests leave at the resort," he said.

Snowbird launched their new One-Star campaign featuring negative reviews from visitors.

Their latest ad highlights a negative review from Greg in L.A.

"I've heard Snowbird is a tough mountain, but this is ridiculous. It felt like every trail was a steep chute or littered with tree wells. How is anyone supposed to ride in that? Not fun!"

Amirault says they are using this innovative strategy to get people’s attention.

“What we've realized is in print advertising, advertising in general, nobody wins the middle," he said. "What we wanted to do is be unique to ourselves and make something that will challenge the reader.”

The ad gained traction on the web and became a top story on the popular website, Reddit. Many called the approach brilliant and creative while others poked fun at Greg.

One poster suggested the Bunny Hill, a term for the beginner's area of a ski resort, be named Greg’s Mountain.

Another poster wrote, “This ad is basically “the bird” giving “the bird” to people who ski a few runs then go in the lodge and relax, then ski a few runs, then go have some wine and fondue, etc...

It would be like North Shore Oahu giving itself 1 star for waves that are too big. (Most people can’t ride them)."

Amirault says the challenging mountain isn’t for everyone.

“If you value great terrain, deep snow and long runs than Snowbird might be for you," he said. “This person Greg from Los Angeles didn't quite understand what Snowbird is all about. We welcome people from all around the world, but be on your A game. This is a very unique resort compared to some other places.”

In the coming weeks, look out for more One-Star Reviews on Snowbird’s social media channels and various publications across the world.