

Bluffdale Elementary raises thousands of dollars for school damaged by Hurricane Harvey


BLUFFDALE – Bluffdale Elementary students raised nearly $3,000 for Hurricane Harvey victims.

Floodwaters have impacted thousands of people in Houston, Texas. The images touched students at Bluffdale Elementary.

They decided to help Moore Elementary after learning the school was damaged and lost everything, including computers and 20,000 library books

“I was like, wow! If that happened to me I would be devastated,” said Alexa Mazuran, a 4th grader at Bluffdale Elementary.

Mazuran and her friend Adison Pankey kicked off a week-long donation drive. Their goal was to raise $1,000.

They made posters and set them up all around school to remind students to bring in donations. Students stepped up big time.

“Some people did bake sales," Mazuran said. "They mowed the lawn, they baby sat."

Their teacher, Mrs. Martieann White, was so impressed by how everyone came together so quickly.

“Everybody jumped on board," White said. "Everybody took a job. I did this, somebody did that, and before you knew it we were at $2,500.”

At a school assembly on Friday, Mrs. White’s class presented a check for $2,763 to Moore Elementary via FaceTime. Students also made cards wishing their adopted school better days ahead. The FaceTime chat also gave the new found friends a chance to ask each other questions.

One student asked: “What did your families do to protect yourself from the hurricane and floods?”

A Moore Elementary teacher responded: “We stock up with groceries and batteries and water.”

Mrs. White was grateful her students carried out their plan and learned a valuable lesson along the way.

“These kids are 10 and they can do it," she said. "They’re great kids and they’re going to be great leaders.”

Both schools will continue to keep in touch. Some 4th graders will be assigned pen pals so they can get to know each other better.