The Place


5 Unexpected Benefits of an Entrepreneurial Co-Working Space


A new trend is changing the way business owners work on their businesses. By renting desk space in a shared open workplace, solo entrepreneurs and startups become part of a community with five unexpected benefits:

  1. Save Money: Sharing space and resources are a lot cheaper, and more affordable that you might think.
  2. Increased Productivity: Being in a creative environment is energizing and builds your self-confidence.
  3. Collaboration: You are never alone and have a place to bounce ideas around with a variety of people.
  4. Build a Strong Network: Connections and relationships naturally happen in ways you would never expect.
  5. Become Happier: Decreased isolation and increased productivity will make you happy!

If you are still working on a business from home, or crammed at the local coffee shop with free WiFi, it`s time to look into shared space instead. Take it from the pro's, co-working spaces are beneficial to entrepreneurship and are a way to grow in a flexible and collaborative environment.