SALT LAKE CITY -- The new iPhone X caused a little craze overnight into Friday morning in Salt Lake City.
Loyal Apple phone fans slept outside Thursday night to be the first to have the new iPhone X, which uses the Roman Numeral "X" in its name to indicate this is the 10th anniversary of the iPhone.
“There is a certain adrenaline rush to having the latest and greatest,” said Jason Sumsion, who was waiting in line covered in his sleeping bag since 10:00 am on Thursday. “There is something about the experience—waiting up all night and having the phone the day of the release. It’s exciting.”
Jason was not alone. A couple hundred people were in line with him. They couldn’t wait to see the newest sleek design, which includes a bigger screen stretched over a smaller device with edge-to-edge glass and no home button—you have to swipe around to move from screen to screen.
Both back cameras have built in stabilizers for better pictures. The iPhone X has wireless charging built in, but you do have to spend another $25 to $60 for the charging pad.
Some of the most exciting features, aside from its speed, are it’s new facial recognition and animojis (animated-emjojis.) It scans your face and maps out your facial features so it can unlock your phone with your face instead of your finger, and it can also use emjois that mimic your face in real-time.