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How to organize your life in the New Year

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Professional organizer Marla Dee shared her top 3 tips for getting organized for the New Year. You can see her complete list below along with a link to her free eBook.

  1. Start with ART

Get The ART of Letting Go eBook to support you in clearing the clutter and making it easier.  ART stands for acceptance, release and trust. Get the book and more at

Pick one small, one medium and one larger project for each season – such as the purse, the kitchen counter and the bedroom. Choose the ones that would mean the most to YOU!

  1. Get the Cool Tools

Everyone needs the basic tools – a labeler, 30 banker’s boxes, the time timer, clear project folders, etc.

  1. Containers for Order & Beauty.

Use containers within drawers, closets, cupboards and on shelves to add clarity and beauty.  Then be consistent (all white or wicker) to add that clean feeling and functionality.  Lastly, label all containers for instant ease in returning to their home and zone.  TIP:  Remember containers are step 4 in STACKS©.  Take the time to Sort, Toss, Assign and then Contain, Keep it up & Simplify.

  1. Paper Sanity #1 - Capture the Incoming 

Capture all incoming paper (and information) that comes into your space in a specific container and location. Get a small notebook (such as the ARC by staples) or use your smart phone notepad or an app to capture incoming information. for more details.

  1. Paper Sanity #2 – Weekly Sort into RAFT©

Empty and sort your incoming once a week (just like the laundry) into RAFT – Read, Action, File, & Toss. Put each pile in its own container. Then choose a 30-minute block each week to work on the action items.  TIP:  Make the Action papers and files vertical. Vertical equates action. for more details.

  1. Paper Sanity #3 - Get the FreedomFiler Kit and System |

FreedomFiler is an all-encompassing, self-purging, brilliant filing system that is designed to handle all the papers in your life.  It is also a system that tells you how long to keep them and makes it easy to let go.

  1. Learn the Organizing SKILL!

Since only 10% of the population is born with the “organizing gene” most people don’t know where to start, what to do or how to keep it up. Start with learning the ABC’s of organizing.  Contact Clear & SIMPLE for our step-by-step approach that works for all ages, personalities and projects. You can get our free C&S Systems Card with SEE IT. MAP IT. DO IT. & STACKS© on the Resource page listed below.

  1. Get a Buddy! Get Help!

Change & growth cannot be alone. It takes a team.  Find a buddy or hire a professional organizer that you feel safe and comfortable with.  Having support makes the process fun and keeps accountability in place.

  1. Your Vital Documents Done!

Choose to get your Vital Documents completed in the next three months.  First, gather, sort and list what you have.  Second, list and get the missing elements.  Third, organize and put in a fireproof safe and 2 other places. 

Clear & Simple Way | | 801-463-9090