PROVO, Utah – If you’re looking for a great job opportunity, Utah County may be the place to look.
The Milken Institute has ranked Provo as the best-performing economy among large metro areas.
Salt Lake City also made the list at No. 10.
The study states the Provo area added 5,500 jobs from 2011 to 2016.
Utah County is anchored by Adobe’s digital marketing unit which employs more than 1,200.
The study also says Brigham Young University provides a major pipeline of workers and start-ups.
Raleigh, North Carolina, Dallas, Texas, San Francisco, California, and Fort Collins, Colorado, rounded out the top five.
Utah also earned a spot on the list of best-performing small cities.
St. George came in second, just behind Bend, Oregon.
Gainsville, Georgia, San Rafael, California, and Wenatchee, Washington, complete the top five.