

Utahns assist with operation to take down sex traffickers in Haiti

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SALT LAKE CITY – A BYU graduate and two Utah politicians teamed up last week to take down sex traffickers in Haiti.

“I felt there was some unfinished business there,” Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes said.

The unfinished business he’s referring to involves a previous operation from back in February 2017. The Utah politician helped Operation Underground Railroad as it traveled to Haiti to make their arrests.

“We heard a couple months later, to our absolute dismay, that the traffickers were back out on the street,” Reyes said.

Since the traffickers were released, a new Haitian President has taken over with a commitment to crack down on upholding the law.

“They found a half-dozen judges who were guilty of having taken these bribes and ripped them from the bench,” confirms Tim Ballard, founder and CEO of Operation Underground Railroad.

To add to the assistance, O.U.R. has given a local tactical team bullet proof vests and GoPro cameras to mount to helmets to help in operations that teams can do without O.U.R.’s physical presence.

You can learn more about Operation Underground Railroad or make a donation to their efforts by clicking here.