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Two arrested after SLC police find them passed out in idling car

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SALT LAKE CITY — Salt Lake City Police arrested a man and woman Wednesday morning after finding the pair unconscious in an idling vehicle.

Officers approached the idling car, which they found at 1320 S 200 E, shortly before 8:30 a.m.

According to a watch log report, Christopher Hogue, 29, and Alexandria Wyker, 26, were both taken into custody after police discovered they had warrants.

“Prior to transport to jail the two were searched and both were found to be in possession of drugs, paraphernalia, forged checks and other stolen property,” the report said.

According to a statement of probable cause, police found “a white crystal like substance” and a “brown tar like substance” in a shoe box in the back of the car. Those substances, the statement said, tested positive for methamphetamine and heroin, respectively.

“Also found on the floor right by the drivers seat was a used syringe that had a brown residue,” the statement said.

Police said there were multiple backpacks in the vehicle, in which they said they found blank checks, laptops, a printer and multiple stolen IDs. According to police, those items are commonly-used forgery tools.

Wyker was found in possession of multiple credit cards and IDs belonging to other people, some of whom were the victims of car burglaries last November, a statement of probable cause said. She also had multiple syringes, one of which contained a liquid that tested positive for heroin, police said.

Hogue faces two counts of possession of a controlled substance, one count of use or possession of drugs, one count of possession of forgery writing/device and one count of possession of another’s identifying document(s).

Wyker faces one count of possession of a controlled substance and one count of use or possession of drugs.