

Romney continues to tease about U.S. Senate run

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SALT LAKE CITY — Mitt Romney continues to tease everyone about whether he will jump into the race for U.S. Senate.

Mitt Romney speaks at the Silicon Slopes Tech Summit on Jan. 19, 2018. (Photo by Ben Winslow, FOX 13 News)

During an appearance Friday at the Silicon Slopes Tech Summit, Romney was asked if he had an announcement. He demurred.

“You know enough about politics to know that you would never make a critical announcement on the day when the week when the Mormon Church names a new president, when it’s a Friday and, of course, you only put out bad news on Fridays, and number three when someone lights a gasoline truck on fire on I-15,” he chuckled. “So no. No announcements today.”

Romney spent the bulk of his remarks talking about his work at Bain Capital, running the Olympics, his bipartisan efforts as governor of Massachusetts and his presidential campaign in 2012.

Friends of Romney have already told FOX 13 he is planning on jumping into the race.