

Acting Governor Spencer Cox ‘petitions’ Wyoming to surrender Utah’s missing corner

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SALT LAKE CITY — Spencer J. Cox may only serve as acting governor for a few hours Friday, but he’s making the most of his brief elevation with a petition to Wyoming to surrender Utah’s “missing corner.”

Utah’s Lt. Gov. is acting as the state’s top executive while Gov. Gary Herbert is under anesthesia.

Cox tweeted a “declaration” Friday, crossing out Herbert’s name and adding his own on what otherwise appears to be the governor’s official letterhead. A prior tweet from Cox made it clear he was going to be spending the majority of his time as Acting Governor making jokes.

The satirical declaration calls on Wyoming to surrender a portion of land in their state that would allow Utah’s borders to form a rectangle.

Cox writes that the US Congress “probably wrongfully appropriated the north-east corner of our state” back in 1868, and adds several other tongue-in-cheek statements.

“Whereas, I firmly believe it is time to #MakeUtahRectangularAgain”, one line reads.

Other arguments are more direct jabs at Utah’s neighbor.

“Whereas, Utah’s decision to legalize fireworks within the state has effectively rendered pointless all travel to Wyoming as a final destination,” another line states.

Cox concludes with: “I mean, come on, it’s just one little corner.”

Inanother satirical declaration, Cox made his home town of Fairview the Honorary Capital of the State of Utah for approximately 1 hour.

Cox’s series of tweets included some on a more serious note: “But seriously, thanks for having fun with me. I love this state and am the luckiest man in the world. Please remember @GovHerbert in your prayers tonight. And let’s be a little kinder to each other.”

Later Friday Cox tweeted that the operation was a success and Herbert was awake and coherent.

You can read the full “declaration” regarding Utah’s missing corner in the tweet embedded below: