The Place


If you battle with the ‘workout pees’ then this treatment may just be for you

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If you're a woman, then you might know all about the battle of the workout pees while at the gym. Brought on by childbirth, pregnancy, aging, and menopause, stress urinary incontinence can lead to your bladder giving out while jumping, running, squatting, and many other workout movements causing the workout pees.

While it's incredibly common and affects up to 35% of adult women, peeing during your workout can still be extremely embarrassing. Furthermore, because of embarrassment, it's become an issue that isn't talked about openly, despite it being extremely common.

Reena Hiatt from Enlighten Laser wants to let women know that it doesn't have to be something that you just have to deal with and should be an open dialogue that women are having with other women. Most importantly, though, she wants to let women know that there is - in fact - a treatment to help stop the workout pees.

The Geneveve Treatment at Enlighten Laser can help take the stress of peeing at the gym away. uses radiofrequency combined with cryogen cooling to stimulate collagen growth in the vaginal tissue.  Collagen cushioning in the vaginal canal creates support for the Urethra so that patients don`t have issues with stress urinary incontinence at the gym!

Since everyone is aging, every woman could benefit from The Geneveve Treatment.  A good quality of life is going to include healthy vaginal tissue.  Peeing during a workout should be the last thing that anyone should have to worry about.

Enlighten Laser offers free consultations to discuss your vaginal health concerns, and to customize each Geneveve treatment.  They have a 30% off discount on the Geneveve treatment going on right now, so call now to book your consultation now!

Visit or call them at 801-294-9999 to book your consultation. Make sure to follow them on Instagram and Facebook for the chance to win a FREE underarm Laser Hair Removal treatment!