SPRINGVILLE, Utah - Pictures of yearbook pages at Maple Mountain High School covered the news this weekend—a Utah high school rivalry against Springville that could’ve gone too far, but didn’t.
Maple Mountain students posted a YouTube video Monday morning with a montage of apologies and words of love towards their rivals at Springville High School. A video created after these pages were printed in Maple Mountains yearbook as a joke or gesture of rivalry.
Springville High School students said they were shocked at first but then realized everyone makes mistakes.
“At first you’re kind of mad, but at the end of the day, you realize these are kids you grew up with,” Student Body President Bri Sorenson said. “We still love you, we’re still friends, we’ll be back for football, we’ll be back for basketball but we still love them.”
Along with the video, Maple Mountain students “heart-attacked” the school earlier that morning with messages like “we love you,” and “Springville rocks.”
“This is a really nice gesture that they did,” Ryker Jenkins said, a senior at Springville High School. “They went out of their way to make all of these hearts, a video for us. It’s just really nice that they love us the way they do.”
Maple School District administrators held an assembly with Maple Mountain students where they covered the page in the yearbook with stickers, and said they’ve been impressed by how both student bodies have reacted.
“These students are so forgiving,” Maple School District Spokeswoman Lana Hisky said. “I’m just thrilled to see that they’re friends.”