SARATOGA SPRINGS, Utah – The Saratoga Springs and Bluffdale Police Departments requested the public’s assistance identifying two males involved in an alleged vehicle burglary.
Police said the two suspects went to five different residences at around 3:35 a.m. on July 8. It was unknown what was taken during the alleged burglaries.
One male was described by police as Caucasian with short hair, wearing a dark shirt and jeans. He was observed attempting to enter two cars in Bluffdale, police said.
The second suspect was described as a Caucasian male with dark hair that appeared to be pulled into a bun with a thin beard. police said he was wearing a red shirt, red shoes, and dark pants.
Anyone with information on the two suspects was asked to contact Detective Coomes of the Bluffdale Police Department at 801-254-2000 ext 481.
Surveillance stills of the suspects were released by police and can be seen below: