PARK CITY, Utah — Police in Park City responded to a reported mountain lion sighting Thursday.
According to the Park City Police Department, the sighting was reported near 3300 Meadows Drive Thursday.
Police say residents in that area also told police a mountain lion had been spotted in the area earlier in the week.
Police notified the Division of Wildlife Resources, who will respond to the sighting. Fox 13 News has reached out to the DWR and will update this story as more details become available.
The Wild Aware Utah website provides tips for avoiding encounters with wild animals, including mountain lions, as well as advice in case of an encounter. Mountain lions are also commonly referred to as cougars.
- Stop. Never run from a cougar. Do not approach the cougar.
- Maintain eye contact.
- Pick up children and pets or keep them very close.
- Stand up tall.
- Do not crouch or squat.
- Make yourself look bigger by raising and waving your arms or jacket above your head.
- Talk firmly in a loud voice, back away slowly and leave the area.
- Fight back if you are attacked! Protect your head and neck.
- If you are aggressive enough the cougar will probably flee.