Columbus Community Center is undergoing a major expansion. The 'Hub of Opportunity' is a mixed-use residential and commercial real estate project and one of the first of its kind in the country that will integrate individuals with disabilities in the community.
Columbus Community Center has been helping individuals with disabilities find employment for five decades.
In fact, it is celebrating with a 50th Anniversary Gala on October 26. The special guest at the gala will be Barry Morrow, who wrote the 'Rain Man' movie script for which he won the Oscar for Best Screenplay. The Rain Main character was based on Kim Peek, whose father helped found Columbus. Kim participated in Columbus programs until he became famous and began giving talks around the world.
Columbus's newest program, the NextWork Transition Academy and Training Center is designed to enable young adults with autism spectrum disorder to transition into employment and community living. The program addresses the fact that one in 60 children in Utah is being diagnosed with autism.
For more information call 801-262-1552 or visit: