KALAMAZOO COUNTY, Mich. - A freak accident was caught on video Monday in Kalamazoo after the recent snow storm. Dashcam video shows the exact moment when falling snow and ice shattered a man's windshield, according to WXMI.
Kevin Hoffer was driving northbound on US-131 when he approached the Michigan Avenue overpass. Hoffer said he was just out running a few errands and planned on getting off the highway at the next exit. A county snowplow on the overpass was clearing snow, dropping it onto the highway. Hoffer's vehicle approached the overpass at the same time as the plow was clearing snow overhead, and falling ice and snow shattered his windshield.
Hoffer says he saw it coming. He was able to pull off the highway safely and was not injured and traffic was not affected.
"I didn't nearly expect it to come crashing down and cause any damage. My entire intent was actually to not have it come down on my windshield and not be able to see the road because of traffic and stuff I wasn't trying to get out from underneath so it didn't do that and in turn it just smashed my windshield," said Hoffer.
Hoffer tells WXMI that his insurance is covering most of the $600 cost to replace his windshield, but he's hoping the county will pay for the rest. He says he is happy that he had a camera on his dashboard to record the incident.