Just-defeated Rep. Mia Love, R-Utah, told a national TV audience Friday that race was not behind President Donald Trump publicly mocking her election loss, but race indeed was the reason Democrats worked hard to oust her, The Salt Lake Tribune reported Friday.
Democrats “targeted me because I am a black female Republican. And they replaced me with a middle-aged white male,” Love said on ABC’s The View. She lost by 694 votes to Democrat Ben McAdams.
“There was a whole lot of money in an R+13 district that went to take me out,” she said. “They tried to get rid of every single diversity that they possibly could. And to me, diversity on the left side is good [only] if you think the same way [they] do.”
She said Democratic policies are designed to keep poor people poor and dependent on that party, but Republican policies aim to lift them up toward self-sustaining independence — and she was targeted for such views.
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