The Place


On any given night about 3,000 people are homeless in Utah


We have been hearing a lot about homelessness and addiction recently, especially with Operation Rio Grande and the increase in panhandlers during the holiday season.  Many people want to help, but don't always know the best way to help.

It's best not to give to panhandlers.  It's best to get involved with a professional organization like the Rescue Mission of Salt Lake.  Rescue Mission addresses the cause of a person's homelessness and in addressing the cause they end homelessness in a person's life through education, helping them find employment, paying off past bills, finding housing and more.

Cortney is one of those people who's receiving help from Rescue Mission right now.  She was an flight attendant for an airline, but a drinking problem led to the loss of her job.  She was living in her car after losing her job and even locked herself in the public bathroom of a park to avoid people hurting her.  Then she came to the Rescue Mission and was invited to join the recovery program.

Rescue Mission of Salt Lake is 100 percent privately funded and in need of financial donations and in-kind items to help the homeless.  Needed items include coats, socks, and underwear (all sizes).

People can donate, volunteer or learn more about the Rescue Mission by going or calling 801-746-1006.