

Lamb of God frontman organizes kazoo counter-party against Westboro Baptist Church


RICHMOND, Va. – The frontman of heavy metal band Lamb of God is organizing a “Kazoo and Champagne counter-party” during the Westboro Baptist Church’s planned protest in Richmond.

The Westboro Baptist Church, known for inflammatory hate speech and protests against the LGBTQ+ community, the U.S. military, Catholics, Jews and Muslims, will arrive in Virginia’s capital March 11 to protest the election of Danica Roem, the state’s first openly transgender elected official.

In an Instagram post Friday morning, Lamb of God lead vocalist Randy Blythe called upon “All freaks, weirdos, misfits, & regular people of good conscious [sic],” to take part in his “counter-party” – a Kazoo Champagne Jam at the Virginia State Capitol intended to “drown them [members of the Westboro Baptist Church] out with cheap buzzing plastic noise machines.”

In his post, Blythe clarifies the kazoo party is “NOT a counter-PROTEST, because that would entail arguing with these idiots (which is USELESS)”

The group, called  “arguably the most obnoxious and rabid hate group in America” by the Southern Poverty Law Center, will picket at the Virginia State Capitol and Virginia Commonwealth Universityat 9 a.m. and 9:45 a.m., respectively.

Blythe encourages attendees to wear costumes, with a $100 cash prize for the best costume.


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(Please re-post!) ATTENTION! PEOPLE OF RICHMOND! CALLING ALL FREAKS, WEIRDOS, MISFITS, & REGULAR PEOPLE OF GOOD CONSCIOUS! This coming Monday, March 11, 2019, the buffoons of the #WESTBOROBAPTISTCHURCH (AKA the “God Hates Fags” losers) are coming to our fair city of Richmond, VA. They will be at our state Capitol at 9 am, then over by VCU at 9:45, spreading their bizarre brand of hate mongering. Why? They are protesting my friend, a fairly elected member of the Virginia House of Delegates, Danica Roem- Danica is an award-winning journalist, a heavy metal musician & all-around #RIPPER (who happens to be a trans-woman.) These “Christians” are always picketing military funerals, Kansas City Chiefs football games, the funerals of people killed by natural disasters– their insane activities are too many to list. They even picketed at the funerals of #FredRogers & tried to find the funereal of #LeonardNimoy (but they failed- ha!) – WHO PROTESTS THE FUNERALS OF THOSE TWO GREATEST OF AMERICAN MISTERS, MISTER ROGERS & MISTER SPOCK?!?!? THEY PICKETED DIO’S FUNEREAL- oh, HELL NO. And these people are coming to MY TOWN?!?? They have left me no choice- in the name of all that is GOOD & JUST in this world, in the name of PUNK ROCK & HEAVY METAL, in the name of #MISTERROGERS & #MISTERSPOCK, IN THE NAME OF MY BELOVED FRIEND #DAVEBROCKIE (R.I.P.)… I COMMAND YOU TO JOIN ME FOR A COUNTER-PARTY!!! NOT a counter-PROTEST, because that would entail arguing with these idiots (which is USELESS), but a COUNTER-PARTY. I WILL BE BRINGING 100 KAZOOS- WE WILL HAVE A #KAZOO #CHAMPAGNEJAM. WE WILL PLAY THE “BENNY HILL” & “SANFORD & SONS” THEME SONGS. WE WILL DROWN THEM OUT WITH CHEAP BUZZING PLASTIC NOISE MAKERS. I will also be bringing a BRAND NEW 100 DOLLAR BILL as a CASH PRIZE for BEST COSTUME worn to the #COUNTERPARTY. A hundred kazoos AND a hundred dollar prize?!?? IT’S ALMOST TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE. So Monday, MARCH 11, 2019, 9 AM, VIRGINIA STATE CAPITOL- PUT ON YOUR CORPSEPAINT, YOUR RAINBOW WIG, YOUR INFLATABLE SUMO WRESTLER COSTUME. FLY YOUR FREAK FLAG HIGH! LET’S PARTY!!!!!

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