

Loose cow runs across street to Indiana Chick-fil-a


NOBLESVILLE, Ind. — A loose cow was caught on camera crossing the street in Indiana – and you’ll never guess where he was headed.

The cow temporarily stopped traffic before running from police in the direction of a Chik-fil-a located in the Hamilton Town Center.

Athena Hopkins caught the cow’s crossing on camera and posted it to her Facebook page, where it quickly went viral and garnished hundreds of likes and thousands of shares.

The Noblesville Police Department shared their own photos of the runaway cow this morning, stating they were “running with the bulls” yesterday as they chased the bovine all over the east side of the city. Police encouraged anyone who caught photos or videos of their officers’ “cowboy adventure” to include them in the comments of their Facebook post.

Several other videos were shared of the cow on the run.