

Dramatic video shows officers catching children as mom drops them from burning apartment

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DES MOINES, Iowa – Police officers helped save several children from an apartment fire on Des Moines’ north side, including three who were tossed out of a third story window.

O'Sheana Harrison and her three kids were trapped inside during the fire.

Desperate to save her children's lives, Harrison made the only choice she could and relied on Des Moines police officers to catch her kids from a third-story window.

“He was like, 'you got to trust me,' and I don’t trust anybody with my kids, but at that point in time, all I thought was I had to get them out," Harrison said.

Senior police officers Cole Johnson, Craig Vasquez, Casey Sanders and Tyler Kelley are all being thanked for their efforts.

Harrison says tossing her kids out of the window was a matter of life and death.

Harrison and her neighbors are now displaced. She is working on securing new housing.

The cause of the fire is under investigation.

The Summer Wood Apartments have no comment.