

New numbers show Latter-day Saints lukewarm on Trump job performance

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 SALT LAKE CITY – The Pew Research Center sent FOX 13 some number it broke down from 11 polls of presidential approval among religious groups in order to give us a sense of how members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints feel about President Trump's performance.

In previous polls, it had not drawn conclusions about Latter-day Saints’ opinions because the sample of Latter-day Saint respondents was too small.

While that is still the case in all individual polls, Pew combined LDS responses from all 11 polls giving them a pool of 316 Mormon responses showing that 52 percent approve of President Trump’s performance in office while 39 percent disapproval.

Only 42 percent of Latter-day Saint women approved of Trump’s job performance compared with a 63 percent approval rating among Latter-day Saint men.

Fifty-nine percent of Mormons age 50 and older approved of the president, compared with 46 percent of Mormons under 50 saying the same.

White, Evangelical Christians are far more supportive of Trump at 69 percent.

Mormons have been more supportive of past Republican presidents. For example, 77 percent supported George W. Bush at the same point in his presidency.