People with whitened teeth were found to be younger and more attractive in a study done by Power Swabs. Lifestyle Expert Allie Fiore joined us with the secret to boosting our appeal, and it only takes five minutes a day!
It's called Power Swabs and it promises to have two shades whiter teeth in just five minutes, and six shades whiter in seven days. Fiore says it is so easy, she did the application while she was doing this interview! And bonus: It doesn't cause sensitivity!
Power Swabs is a simple product that uses patented technology that removes the stains first, and then whites your teeth. So the stains are gone, not just covered up.
And, unlike some other systems, Power Swabs works on natural teeth as well as caps, crowns and veneers.
You can order yours by calling 1-800-664-2796 or go online to
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