

Mom says ‘public is in danger’ after son gets probation for sexually assaulting children


CENTENNIAL, Colo. – A Colorado man will serve five years probation for molesting his younger sister and her childhood friend over a number of years.

Christopher Hudson, 30, would've faced up to life in prison had he been convicted as an adult for the counts of child sex assault.

But because an adult court judge ruled most of Hudson's crimes took place before he turned 18, Hudson's criminal case was transferred to juvenile court where Arapahoe County Juvenile Judge Natalie Chase found herself constrained at sentencing.

Ultimately, Judge Chase ruled Hudson will have to spend his first three years of probation in Community Corrections, meaning he can work by day but will have to spend his nights in custody. He will also have to register as a sex offender and receive intensive sex offender treatment therapy.

"It's very frustrating in that there's no real remorse in what he did and I think that poses more of a greater threat to the community and to the public," said Nikki Hudson, who is now 24.

She went to authorities at age 22 after her mom, Beth Johnson, learned of the abuse her daughter had suffered from the age of 7 to 14.

"I felt the need to come forward and out him because he is a threat to society. If he's a threat to his own sister and did this to his own sister what has he done to somebody else?" explained Johnson.

Nikki Hudson said after her brother became a security guard at local hospitals including Children's Hospital Colorado and Sky Ridge Medical Center, she felt it was important for the public to be warned about him, since he would never face adult charges, "I'm not a parent but if I was and I realized that my kid could come in contact with a perpetrator I would want to know, I would want to protect my child."

Beth Johnson believes her son got off easy and should have faced at least 30 years in prison.

"I think the public is in danger with him free... it's incredibly difficult to know that one of my children is a perpetrator and one is a survivor of childhood sexual abuse," Johnson said.

She added that although she thinks it's important for her son to receive sex offender therapy she doubts it'll change him now that he's almost 31 years old.

Nikki Hudson is seeking more than $18,400 in restitution to cover past and future therapy.

A judge will rule on restitution in early June.