The Place


Could the world’s largest organism be in Utah?

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Matthew LaPlante said a question once kept him up at night.  "What is the world's oldest organism?"  Turns out, there's no good answer, but one of many possible answers is an ancient aspen clone in Utah.  It also happens to be the largest known singular organism in the world.  Matthew says when he visited it he was in awe, and it set him on a course to writing his first solo book, "Superlative: The Biology of Extremes".

The book will be available on April 30 wherever you buy books.  And, on May 3 he's having a book launch event at 7:00 p.m. at The King's English in  Salt Lake City.

The book covers everything from tardigrades, which are microscopic creatures to some of the world's biggest mammals - whales and elephants.  When talking about his book, Matthew says, "I want people who read it to be able to turn to any page and feel a little bit of the awe I felt as I was traveling around learning about these amazing organisms."

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