The Place


5 morning routine hacks to get you going faster


Licensed clinical social worker and registered yoga teacher Em Capito stopped by to share the following message with us:

"Does your routine support you, or is it a Groundhog Day drag?

I haven't had much of a routine over the seven years since becoming self-employed, until recently. In January, I hesitantly took on a new opportunity that required (gasp!) getting up before dawn, showering, and commuting five days a week. The horror! (or so I thought).

The very first week, I recognized a huge shift in my happiness. When I say huge, I mean blissfully HUGE.

There were several factors at play...great colleagues, a fantastic chef, and I get to do really meaningful work that combines therapy, yoga and meditation. But the routine played a powerful role. The scary schedule forced me to prepare an intentional system to counter the anticipated misery, and now I want to routine-ify everything.

How I hacked my morning, before the very first day:

  1. My Nest turns on the heat an hour before I get up. I like to sleep cold, and had discovered (in the middle of the night) that the warmth can get me up and out of bed all on it's own.
  2. A light alarm brightens my room for 30 minutes prior to go time. It also often rouses me before the actual wake-up call as well.
  3. A google home mini triggers my wake-up playlist (ensuring I don't fall back asleep): "Good morning, Em! Today's it's going to be sunny!..."
  4. I stumble out of my room and press one button for coffee, sometimes before I even open my eyes.
  5. I always cue up a stimulating podcast or ebook for my commute.

Five little automated adjustments. There are lots of little miseries that can be churched-up with a little (or a lot) of intentional creativity.

I despised afternoon carpool, but when I purposefully get there early, park under a shady tree, and read a great book while I wait, it's a treat. I'm more irritated now when this small sanctuary is over.

Dishes, laundry, yard would it change your life experience to sweeten up your otherwise bitter burdens?"

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