The Place


How to avoid hearing the phrase “Mom, I’m bored” this summer


Want to have the best summer ever, and not hear the phrase "I'm bored"?

How about having a new family member?

Family Exchange is a Utah based program that facilitates the arrival of Japanese kids every summer.  They are a part of a program in Japan that is similar to our scouting programs.  They learn about other cultures and languages all year long, then get to travel to Australia, Canada and the United States to put into practice what they've learned.

More than 50 kids are coming to Salt Lake City this summer and will stay with a host family and become a member of the family from July 25 to August 18.  But, host families are needed!  The Family Exchange needs 12 more families for kids (requires a child age 1-15) and two households for adult chaperones (can be families with kids of any age, couples or single women).  If you're interested, it's important that you sign up as soon as possible.

For more information please visit: