The Place


1 million acts of kindness in 40 days


A Be Kind Utah campaign is in full swing! It's designed to increase and build awareness of acts of kindness throughout the state.  The goal is to record 1 million acts of kindness in 40 days during the Utah Family Month (the five weeks between Mother's Day and Father's Day).

You're being asked to pledge how many acts of kindness you will do.  Use the hashtag #BeKindUT2019.

There are many ways to practice kindness.  It starts with being observant and aware of opportunities to help people in need.  A kind word, smile or action can help others who may be suffering.   Other simple ways include giving honest compliments, celebrating someone's success or good news, sending a text or email that expresses appreciation and/or love, celebrating someone you love or admire, helping a neighbor, sharing food, standing up for others, or donating clothing or things you don't need to a worthy cause are all acts of kindness.

The campaign was started by The Family Place, with three locations in Logan, Hyrum and Smithfield.  It is a nonprofit organization that aims to strengthen families and protect children.

For more information visit: