In addition to mentioning their fast and flexible CNA program, Davis Technical College representatives Amanda James, BSN-RN and Melissa McElfresh, LPN stopped by to share their expertise in living with elderly folks who need extra care.
They offered some tips for communicating with a person with dementia. They suggest making sure your own mood is positive when you interact, and sometimes your body language can be stronger than words. Speak respectfully and be pleasant, and be sure to have the person's attention. It helps if you approach them from their line of vision and sit at eye level with them. Speak using simple words and sentences, and in many cases it's best to ask yes or no questions.
As baby boomers age, more people are in need of caregivers. Being a caregiver is very draining, and nurses and nurses assistants are there to help. Nurses assistants provide support to nurses in hospitals and facilities, and they help residents with activities of daily living.
Visit for more information on how to become a nurses assistant.