

Arkansas family opens fireworks stand to pay for daughter’s wedding


SPRINGDALE, Ark. - Fireworks are a 4th of July favorite, and while many people run fireworks stands for extra income, an Arkansas family has set one up to pay for their daughter's wedding.

"Weddings are not cheap," Heath Bryant told KFSM.

This is Bryant 's first time to sell fireworks but come August, he'll be the father of the bride.

"We love fireworks, and this will help us pay for a wedding," Bryant said.

Bryant's daughter Sarah Ashley was a little surprised by the idea of paying for her wedding with fireworks. Coming from a big family, her mom is a teacher, and her dad works for a church, she wasn't sure how else they would be able to pay for it.

"When they proposed the idea, I thought 'that's a little crazy, but it just might work'," Sarah Ashley said. "If anyone could make it work, my dad could."

Bryant says he's always hoped to give his daughter the wedding of her dreams, and their Star-Spangled sales will ease their financial stress come wedding day.

The father-daughter duo aren't the only people working hard to make the fireworks stand a success, the entire Bryant family has pulled together to make sure sparks fly come wedding day.

"It's been great seeing our family come together because really it is for Sarah Ashley, but all of our kids are excited for her getting married, our whole family is and want to make this happen for her," Bryant said.

The Bryant family have taken turns spending late nights in the tent and rescheduling their everyday life to benefit the stand.

"It is definitely a tent with some explosives inside it, but it really is just such a picture of their love for me, and it's really really sweet to see," Sarah Ashely said.

The Bryant's fireworks stand is located at the Walmart on Elm Springs Road in Springdale.