

7-year-old boy saves sister who was having a seizure from drowning in pool


BRANTLEY COUNTY, Ga. – Morgan Smith, 20, was on the bottom step of the pool in her family’s backyard in Brantley County, Georgia when she said black spots started to take over her vision.

Smith has no memory of what happened next.

Luckily for Smith, her 7-year-old brother, Aiden McCullough, was nearby when she had a seizure and fell backwards into the pool.

When he saw his sister fall into the pool, McCullough told CNN affiliate WJAX, “I was thinking, like, ‘Oh, my god. Oh, my God. She’s going to die.'”

McCullough quickly sprung into action, and he said that his instincts kicked in as he grabbed Smith by her hair and held her above the water while he screamed until help came.

“He has never been taught how to help me,” Smith told CNN. “He just knew I needed to be helped and did it.”

Smith said that she would have drowned if not for her brother.

“I know that there are real life angels because I’m lucky enough to call him mine,” Smith said of McCullough. “I have an everyday superhero in my life.”

Smith said she was having seizures two to three times a day, but she recently started taking an anticonvulsant medication and has not had any seizures since.

This was the first swimming incident in which she suffered a seizure, she said and now she plans to always have an adult with her when she goes swimming.

“I love you and I’m so thankful for you every day,” Smith said to McCullough. “You are forever my hero and every day I’m only more thankful that I get to call you my little brother. Sissy always loves you.”